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Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

The Relativity of Time

Rebecca tore her eyes away from the wildly jumping needles on the vicisometer and looked at Dr. Scott-Giles. "Doctor, what's happening?"

"I don't know, Rebecca. This kind of activity is unprecedented." He turned abruptly and left the lab. 

Unsure what to do, Rebecca hesitated before following him out of the building. She knew where he was going; the one place on the Institute grounds that held the key to everything.

Rebecca struggled to remain upright against the sucking wind. She could see Dr. Scott-Giles approaching The Wheel. Then he was pulled in and was gone.

The wheel spun ever faster.

More Friday Fiction:

Jimmie: Karma Dies Today
Darleen: Untitled
Smitty: Also Untitled (Come on, guys, help me out here.)
April: The Signal
BigGator5: The Demon's Wheel

1 comment:

Darleen said...

Sorry I left my untitled... I do it on purpose

Though, this one is about the 3rd or fourth set in the same universe ... I'm exploring whether or not to turn it into an actual novel

:::gasp::: did I say that out loud???

and that will have a title. :-)

Thanks so much for writing too!

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